
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Ready, Set, Go! (in fast forward!)

Super fast update...

We got our COURT DATE!  MARCH 15th!  We leave in 19 days. AAAHHH!!!!

Our judge, I'm told, is "kind and efficient" Can't wait to meet her!  (Answered prayer right there!)

If you read our last post you may remember the possibility of the boys' mission trip overlapping with ours... It will. Completely.  The timing is like the tri-fecta of "Oh my-lanta!"

We'll leave Idaho Falls on March 6th... the boys leave on the 18th.  Jake comes home from Michigan on the 15th.  We get home on the 26th... the boys get home on the 26th   Dizzying, I know.  But God has gone before us and knew it would come together like this.  Trust.

Prayer requests:

Please pray this verse over our family:
  •  2 Corinthians 10:5 "We destroy all arguments and every pretense that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ."   That should cover everything.
  • AND, For God's glory to show through His perfect orchestration of people and funds.

**Thank you, friends and family, for praying for us.  Your prayers are vital and coveted.**

Monday, February 8, 2016

The Home Stretch....

We are SO CLOSE!

Here's a quick run down on how this works:

Last week we got I800 Approval, YAY! (immigration), then Reda (our Lawyer/friend) took that over to the US Embassy in Lithuania where the powers that be review ALL of our paperwork and give us permission to proceed.  This is called an "Article 5" of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children.

That was issued TODAY!  Woo Hoo!

TOMORROW Reda will take the Art. 5 over to the courthouse in Vilnius where a judge will be assigned to us.  (Pray for a kind judge please! One that won't bust our chops for taking on another "burden")  Once the judge is assigned he or she will then schedule our court date... 

This will be the answer to the "When do you go get her?" question we, along with many of you, have been asking!!  This could happen as early as tomorrow or Wednesday!!  (Squealing with excitement like a 3 year old).  We have to be in Vilnius no later than 5 days before the court date. 

Prayer Requests:
  • Our boys (Jadin and Emmett) are going on a short-term mission trip to Mexicali, Mexico scheduled March 18th for a week.  Our trips might overlap.  ...proof that God has a sense of humor. HA!  Pray for their experience, safety, logistics, & changed lives
  • We are lending our 15 passenger van, Moby, for said mission trip. Pray for safety, peace, safety, logistics, safety...
  • We're taking John-Patrik with us to Vilnius. Pray for his comfort, security, good rest, & health for all concerned.
  • All of our flights to be on-time; free from harm or hazard. (And understanding flight attendants & passengers)
  • Rich currently does not have enough paid vacation to cover the time needed. Pray for God's provision
  • That Milanija will feel God's comfort as she waits.
THANK YOU, Friends!